Sailor Saturn

Sailor Saturn

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Creative Brief 1

1. Identification

A 2004 Invitation Design by Vaughan Oliver for the Central St. Martin's Fashion Show.

2. What is the project and the problem?

The project was to design an invitation that describes fashion in a way of everyday job of creation in the modern times of today. The problem is to make the look current and like I stated before Modern in the sense of changes in fashion and to incorporate a show of style.

3. Who is the client?

The client was "The Central St. Martins School of the Art's" who hired Vaughan Oliver to create an invitation design to be distributed to person to person to get the word out of their fashion show and what it has to bring. Adding to that fact is to let everyone know who are interested in fashion that there are new or common known designers with new lines of wardrobes.

4. Who is the intended audience?

I would have to say the intended audience is in the late teen's to the late adults who are interested in fashion our a part of the fashion world.

5. What is the core message?

The core message is to express yourself through Art in fashion and take part in the new creations made from people who are passionate in what they do. To have a chance once every year to see the breath taking new, hip, and current fashion by the designers.

6. What is the hoped-for outcome?

The hoped-for outcome is for a lot of people who are interested or maybe curious to come to this wonderful event and see the new fashion that Central St. Martin has in store. The client really wants to notify everyone they can to promote the designers work in the Art, Literature, and Entertainment world of fashion shows. Not only to notify but get a sense of freedom in expression by design.

7. What is the graphic strategy?

Vaughan Oliver conveyed the message visually by having the "dummy" for outfits be the main subject in the invitation letting people know its about the fashion world. Not only with the "dummy" but another message of expressing the freedom of style and grace. For the outcome he achieved by having a Modern style that is used today and incorporate it in the design and to add a splash of color for effect. The audience is being addressed by the style of the piece. The client's concerns are being met by the design alone because it will catch your eye and you would wonder "what is this about" or "this looks very interesting". Also it is very unique as well. Vaughan Oliver did a pattern in order to add a touch of texture not making it feel too empty and he did different strokes of the blue to add a abstract effect to it.


  1. Well done. It's interesting that there isn't text at all. The wave-like blue streak really adds a nice implied line, directing the eye to the dummy.

  2. I really like the one color effect to it because it draws you in and the pattern on the dummy.
