For week 4's picture I have chosen Kitagawa Utamaro's "Portrait of a Courtesan" composed in the 1700's. Occuring in Japan through that time was the Ukiyo-e which means "pictures of the floating world" that was an important art movement through the Tokugawa period. Looking at this piece is it is really detailed in the wardrobe than in her face having a standard feel to it. I think the reason why is Utamaro wanted not only the figure's beauty but also including more beauty in the material or nature around the subject than focusing on just the person's face. I noticed that it is flat meaning in term of the background which is just one color making the subject more of a focal point. What I really like about this piece is the detail especially the little detail in the wardrobe, hair, and so on that gives it some wham to it. Even though it is in 2-d form I think it is lovely how everything is aligned and done in perfection which shows the love of art that Kitagawa Utamaro had for his work and spread it to others.