1. Identification:
The travel poster is by Austin Cooper for Paris, France in 1935.
2. What is the project and the problem:
The project is to create a travel poster that will catch everyone's eyes and to create inspiration at the moment you look at it.
3. Who is the client:
The client is Britain's Southern Railway Station who wanted a travel poster to spark people's interest.
4. Who is the intended audience:
The intended audience is anyone who loves to travel and explore different cultures or just want to get away from work, school, or life in general. Basically if they have the money of course.
5. What is the core message:
The core message is to take a vacation somewhere wonderful or as Austin Cooper implied from his poster is to spark memories of the viewer's earlier Continental visits by presenting fragments and glimpses of landmarks.
6. What is the hoped-for outcome:
The hoped for outcome is to gain customers and to have them travel to France or any other part of the world using their railway and to have a great experience. So that way the word can go out to everyone who are interested in traveling to go and travel.
7. What is the graphic strategy:
How Austin Cooper solved the design problem in visual terms is the use of cubism and illustrated constructivism to use something new and catches your eyes with vibrant colors. He is displaying different landmarks that you would see in Paris, France that maybe you always wanted to see. The hoped-for outcome of this is to use Britain's Southern Railway and promote that it is the best choice to use. Over all, Austin Cooper did domestic in order to get Lifestyle and Leisure.