Sailor Saturn

Sailor Saturn

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Websites visited in 24-hour period!

1. Youtube - My usual time I spend on Youtube is approximately 1 to 2 hours depending on if I am listening to music or watching a video. I go on this site because I have an account, I update it, check mail, and watch videos. What I like about this site is you can upload videos that you put together, make new friends, chat, watch videos, etc.

2. Netflix - The time I spend on Netfilx would have to be about 2 to 3 hours depending on the length of the movie or series. I visit this site because I can instantly watch movies and shows anytime I want and then order movies also and there is a wide variety of movies you can chose from. What I like about the site is you can transfer the movies you want to see to any game system, they only bill you once a month with free shipping, and always updates!

3. Facebook
- On Facebook I spend about 3o minutes to an hour. I visit the site because to stay in contact with new and old friends that I haven't talked to in a while. What I like about the site is you can stay in contact, create groups, design your page a little bit, do business on there, etc.

4. SpikeTv - On SpikeTv I spend about an hour on the site. I visit the site because I can watch The Deadliest Warrior when I miss the new episode. What I like about the site is like I said before I can watch The Deadliest Warrior.

5. Gmail - I spend about a good 3o minutes on Gmail. I visit the site because I need to check my emails at anytime that I want to. What I like about this site is you can make your account really fast and you can chat or video chat with friends.

6. Blackboard - I spend about 30 minutes on Blackboard daily. I visit this site because I can check for homework when it is due, my grades to see if I need to improve, have a discussion, and to see resources on any subject that I have. What I like about this site is it is their for the students needs and it helps with the progress.

7. Fancast - I spend about 2 to 3 hours on Fancast. I visit this site because I can watch my favorite shows that I missed that were new episodes. I like this site because they have a lot of shows that you can watch from now or way back when, they have Anime as well which is shocking so I happy about that and has few commercial breaks as well.

I probably have more. I just to remember right now. ^_^!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

There are a lot of pros and cons of the internet that can be helpful and not so helpful. Here are some of many advantages and disadvantages.


1. Communication with family and friends on email.

2. On the internet you can get a lot of information about anything.

3. Entertainment is a huge thing on the internet such as music, videos, and just basically the media.

4. There is a lot of service you can obtain on the internet like banking, shopping, hotel reservations, etc.

5. Start your own business online.


1. Identity Theft is a huge problem where anyone can steal your identity.

2. Virus occurs while using the internet, completely taking it over.

3. Spamming such as junk mail that you don't want.

4. Stalkers for example, people annoying you.

5. Adult content that is not for children.

Taking Notes

Everyday I am trying taking notes of new lessons in Graphic Design and making the best of it.